
John Zhen Fu Pang

Group Manager
Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
john_pang (at) ihpc.a-star.edu.sg

About Me

I spend half my time as a Senior Research Scientist in the Energy Systems Group at A*STAR’s Institute of High Performance Computing, where I apply control, learning, and optimization algorithms to study smart grid operations. At IHPC, I also manage the Energy Systems group, and am the Principal Investigator (PI) for the “Modelling the Electrification of Singapore’s Harbourcrafts (MESH)” project, which is funded by the Singapore Maritime Institute and the Public Sector Science and Technology Planning and Policy Office (S&TPPO). I am also co-investigator of two TRANS Grant projects. I spend the other half of my time at the S&TPPO, under the Prime Minister’s Office, where we help guide and enable government agencies towards Modelling and Simulation (M&S) solutions for policy and planning.

Before starting work in Singapore from 2020, I worked as a Data Scientist at Schlumberger’s Software Technology and Innovation Center at Menlo Park, CA, USA. In that one-year period at SLB, I was selected to present at the company’s Reservoir Symposium and was later also awarded the Initiator Award at SLB’s FIZZ Symposium. I also did two internships at STIC in the prior summers before joining full-time.

On the teaching/academic front, I previously co-lectured an undergraduate Game Theory course as an adjunct lecturer in the Engineering Systems and Design Pillar at SUTD with Prof. Lingjie Duan in 2022. In 2024, I took over the instruction of the Game Theory course fully as Adjunct Assistant Professor at SUTD. From time to time, I also share my experience as an A*STAR research scientist to students from various levels.

I received my Ph.D. from Caltech’s Computing and Mathematical Sciences Program in 2019, where I was supervised by Prof. Adam Wierman and Prof. Steven Low. At Caltech, I received the Amori Doctoral Prize in CMS for my dissertation on Online Platforms in Networked Markets. Prior to that, I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematical Sciences (First Class Honors) from the Nanyang Technological University’s School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 2013 under the Accelerated Bachelor Program. My Ph.D. and B.Sc. studies were funded by Singapore’s National Science Scholarship and the A*STAR Undergraduate Scholarship.

My research lies at the intersection of optimization, control, and operations research – with a focus on formulating and designing algorithms that are provably “not too bad” in both the offline and online optimization settings. My research is applied in the area of power and energy systems, networking, economics, and computer science.

Outside work, I enjoy spending time with my wife Odelia and daughter Eliora, playing badminton, and watching chess.

About Energy Systems Group in IHPC, A*STAR

The Energy Systems Group at IHPC (housed under the Systems Science Department) aims to enable clean, resilient, and autonomous energy systems in Singapore. We develop optimization algorithms and simulation models to study the impact of policy and plans in Singapore, exemplified by the Singapore Integrated Transport and Energy Model (SITEM) project. The SITEM project studies the impact of vehicle electrification and EV charger placement on Singapore’s grid infrastructure. This has since spun off to projects for electrification in the Maritime and Aviation sector. Moving forward, we are also working with partners from and enabling collaboration between academia, government, and industry to study the energy transition in Singapore towards our 2050 targets of a Net-Zero future.

We are looking for researchers (both B.Sc./M.Sc. and Ph.D. graduates) who are interested in applying computing (modelling/simulation/optimization) and data science (including Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence) in the area of energy systems. Do drop me an email if you are interested. Strong B.Sc./M.Sc./Ph.D. candidates that are interested may also write to me to arrange for a summer or half-year internship. I recommend Ph.D. candidates who are looking for funding opportunities in Singapore to check out the SINGA Award and ACIS Scholarship. International Ph.D. students may also consider funding via the ARAP Scholarship.

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Selected Publications [Google Scholar]

  1. OR
    John Zhen Fu Pang, Weixuan Lin, Hu Fu, Jack Kleeman, Eilyan Bitar, Adam Wierman
    Operations Research (OR), Volume 70, Issue 3, 2022.

  2. EPSR
    Zachary Lee, John Zhen Fu Pang, Steven Low
    Elsevier Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR), 2020.

    Pengcheng You, John Zhen Fu Pang, Steven Low
    IEEE Transactions for Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 2020.

    Qiulin Lin, Hanling Yi, John Zhen Fu Pang, Minghua Chen, Adam Wierman, Michael Honig, Yuanzhang Xiao
    Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (Sigmetrics), 2019.

    Zhaojian Wang, Feng Liu, John Zhen Fu Pang, Steven Low, Shengwei Mei
    IEEE Transactions of Power Systems (IEEE TPS), 2019.

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